Friday, April 22, 2011

git 'er done!

The following list of tips for designers works for musicians too.
I love the no-nonsense, realistic attitude!

British designer Jamie Wieck from the studio Airside compiled this list of useful wisdom for design students about to enter the workforce.
Here are some favorites:
6. The path to work is easier than you think.
To get into the industry you need just three things: great work, energy and a nice personality. Many forget the last attribute.
13. Time is precious – get to the point.
Avoid profuse humour or gimmicks when contacting studios for work, they’ve seen it all before. Get to the point, they’ll be thankful.
15. Do as many internships as you can stand. (Insert playing/teaching/administration jobs and auditions)
Internships are a financial burden, but they are vital. They let you scope out the industry and find the roles that suit you best.
16. Don’t waste your internship. (Insert time in practice time in school)
A studio’s work can dip, as can its energy. Ignore this and be indispensable, the onus is on you to find something that needs doing.
26. Network.
There’s some truth in ‘it’s not what you know, it’s who you know’. Talk to people, send emails; at the very least sign up to Twitter.
47. Share your ideas.
You’ve nothing to gain from holding on to your ideas; they may feel precious, but the more you share, the more new ideas you’ll have.
50. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
Take your work seriously, take the business of your craft seriously, but don’t take yourself seriously. People who do are laughed at.
{via Khoi} via {swissmiss}

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